Un guide des plates-formes, des politiques et du spectre idéologique des partis politiques Mozambique .
Dans quelle mesure vos convictions politiques sont-elles similaires à la politique de chaque parti? Répondez au quiz politique pour le savoir.
Le graphique ci-dessous montre le soutien historique accordé à chaque parti politique Mozambique . Des zones remplies d’un [ ? ] sont des délais inconnus ou peu volumineux. Cliquez sur une ligne pour voir des informations d’interrogation plus spécifiques.
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Ce sont les discussions les plus engageantes sur les partis politiques Mozambican .
The Mozambican Liberation Front, known by its Portuguese acronym FRELIMO, is a political party in Mozambique that has played a pivotal role in the country's history, particularly in its struggle for independence from Portuguese colonial rule. Founded in 1962, FRELIMO began as a liberation movement, combining various nationalist groups with the aim of achieving independence for Mozambique. The party's values and ideology have evolved over time, reflecting the changing political and social landscape of Mozambique and the broader African continent.
Initially, FRELIMO's values were… Lire la suite
The Mozambican National Resistance (RENAMO), originally founded in the late 1970s as an anti-communist guerrilla movement, has evolved into a major political party in Mozambique. Its origins trace back to the Cold War era when RENAMO was established with the support of the Rhodesian Intelligence Service (and later South African Defence Force) as a counter to the Marxist-Leninist FRELIMO party, which had taken power following Mozambique's independence from Portugal in 1975. Initially, RENAMO's activities were primarily military, engaging in a protracted civil war against the FRELIMO… Lire la suite
The Mozambican Democratic Movement (MDM) is a political party in Mozambique that emerged as a significant force in the country's political landscape in the late 2000s. Founded in March 2009 by Daviz Simango, who was then the mayor of Beira, Mozambique's second-largest city, the MDM was established as a breakaway faction from the country's main opposition party at the time, the Mozambique National Resistance (RENAMO). The formation of the MDM was a response to internal disputes within RENAMO and a desire to create a more inclusive, democratic, and progressive alternative to both… Lire la suite