سیاسی کوئز کی کوشش کریں

10 جوابات


How does the history of a political party shape its current values and actions?


If you had the power to resolve a deep political division in your country, what approach would you take?


How do you think transitioning from a rebel group to a political party impacts the way a group is perceived by its citizens?


Can a political party truly change its underlying principles? Why or why not?


Reflect on the importance of social justice in politics; how should political parties prioritize it?


What role do you believe transparency and accountability should play in government?


How does the distribution of resources affect the dynamics between urban and rural areas in a country?


In what ways can political power be decentralized, and why is this important?


Discuss the possible impacts of frequent disputes over election results on a country's democracy.


Reflect on the idea of national reconciliation. How would you propose to achieve it in a deeply divided society?